How 2024 Almost Took Me Out (Because I Forgot This One Thing…)
Hey Friends,
It’s been a hot minute! If you noticed radio silence from me last quarter, it’s because I was too busy rage-building my way out of a mess.
The last few months of 2024 knocked me flat. The universe doesn’t usually have to dropkick me to get my attention, but this time? Full-body slam.
Usually, I trust my gut and take action. I follow the signs, make bold choices, and build what’s next. That instinct has always brought my life a sense of adventure and magic…
…until last year, when the universe decided to test just how deep that trust really ran. My intuition must’ve been on an extended vacation because I found myself wading through some real WTF moments.
Cue a series of unfortunate events:
- 🚛 Sold my beloved first truck rig to make room for my dream camper—except it never materialized. Scammer ran off with my money. Guy’s in jail now, but that doesn’t get my cash (or my truck house) back.
- 🏕️ Spent months in limbo without a truck home. 10/10 do not recommend.
- 🤡 Spiraled into a fun little identity crisis, complete with questionable choices (like DIY-ing my own haircut) and the whole existential experience of asking, "Am I actually bad at life?"
So, what did I do? I rage-built my own damn camper.
Out of frustration. Out of sheer refusal to let someone else dictate my next move.
If nothing else, I am stubborn with a touch of defiance—and this time, it worked in my favor. Somewhere between the cussing, the back aches, and the existential breakdowns, I tapped into a whole new level of confidence and independence.
I had this idea that I’d spend those 350+ hours of camper-building soaking up knowledge—listening to audiobooks, expanding my mind, maybe even feeling inspired.
NOPE. I listened to one single album on repeat. Not even joking. Music has always helped me transmute pain, so I let this album carry me through instead of forcing myself to push forward. And maybe, for the first time, I let myself just be—instead of always demanding more.
(If you’re curious, you can check out the album here—it kept me connected to my vision of life on the road, even when I was stuck, waiting, and unsure of what was next.)
I’ve gotten bold enough to cut my own hair (jury’s still out!)
I’m learning to weld, thanks to a mentor I found in this tiny town I’ve been posted up in.
I’m FINALLY trying to learn more of my truck mechanics… not so bad crawling under there when you have a 10” lift.
And this all got me thinking—this is exactly the energy I want to bring into my business.
I WANT you to feel this level of empowerment—without the downside.
Most people think they have only two options when it comes to branding, websites and marketing:
Figure it all out themselves and DIY—which means endless trial and error, wasted time, and a whole lot of frustration.
Hire someone to do it for them—which delivers polished, high-end results but leaves them reliant (and paying) for every update down the road.
But there’s a third option—done-with-you.
That’s why I’ve been working on something big. A blueprint that helps you build and scale your business based on your unique business archetype—so you can learn how to market yourself effectively without wasting time on strategies that don’t fit your strengths.
Templates are everywhere. But a template won’t work unless it’s aligned with your business fingerprint.
For example…
The Strategist archetype (like my doctor clients) run on structure and precision.
The Mystic clients (my energy workers and transformation guides) connect through emotion and intuition.
Every business owner plays the game differently, and I’ve built this blueprint around seven unique archetypes—along with a quiz to help you determine yours.
Next week, I’m dropping this framework—for free.
It’s my way of turning a sh*tty season into something useful for you. Sweat, blood, and questionable decisions included.
P.S. If you're one of my one-on-one clients—don’t worry, I’ve got something for you too. More details coming soon! 😉