Book Your Sales Funnel Audit

Sales Funnel Audit

Your compass for a magnetizing sales funnel and increased conversions paired with an effective marketing strategy to reach your financial goals.

Do you have a website or sales funnel selling services, products, or an online course...

BUT struggle to generate traffic or convert visitors to paid customers?

Did you know that there are powerful analytics you can measure to help you determine how your funnel is converting?Ā 

All platforms need to be tweaked and refined based on metrics... unfortunately this is one of the biggest areas thatĀ online platforms fail to measure.

If you aren't testing and measuring your sales funnel, then you are missing out on powerful information that can help you improve your lead to customer conversions.

Get your Sales Funnel Audit now
F E A T U R E D  I N

We take the guess work out of converting sales funnels and increased sales.


Live Large

Creative Director • Marketing Expert • Professor

Book your Sales Funnel Audit now

Here's what we will audit on your platform:


The flow of your marketing automations to increase sales

Marketing Copy

Your sale page marketing copy to ensure the proper flow from your audience → problem → solution

Story Brand

Your "story brand" to establish an emotional connection with your target audience

Visual Brand

Your visual brand (logo, color palette, & typography) for visibility in your market


Authority and trust-building guidance to ensure your positioning in your industry

On-Site SEO

On-site Search Engine Optimization best practices to help you be found online

UI/UX Best Practices

Review of desktop and mobile versions of your funnel for visibility and best practices

Conversion Strategies

Conversion strategies specific to your platform so you can optimize your viewers into paid customers

Tech & Functionality

Your sales funnel functionality and effectiveness so you know there are no errors in your purchase process

Here's what you get:

Brand Strategy Guide

This guide will provide the framework for you to match your marketing approach to your future business goals while giving you clarity on the big picture steps to get there.

Brand & Design Review

We review your branding for consistency, best practices, and translation to your ideal audience. Our approach to your brand and visuals it all about conversion!

Audit Video Walkthrough

Creative Director, Adele, will create a custom 20-30 minute video walkthrough of your sales funnel, explaining the areas that need improvement along with what is working.

Action Item Checklist

You will receive a detailed and prioritized Action Item list so you (or your team!) can efficiently and effectively implement the audit recommendations.

How-to Guide

Matched to your Action Item list, we will provide clear How-To instructions so you aren't left in the dark on how to make the needed improvements.

BONUS: Sales Page Copy Guide

In addition to providing direct feedback on your funnel copy, you also get a comprehensive copy guide for your sales page with a clear formula on how to convert viewers to customers.

Meet Your Creative Director: Adele Wiejaczka

Hey there! I'm the Founder and Creative Director of Live Large Design. I am passionate about building strategic brand platforms and online course builds for my purpose-driven clients.

My clients are experts in their field, but often hate the inauthentic marketing nature that can exist today. I help them find a way to build their sales funnels and websites in a way that magnetizes their ideal customers with an aligned marketing approach.

I have a Master's in Fine Art in Graphic Design and lead my global team while traveling internationally. With over ten years of experience as a Creative Director, design professor, and entrepreneur, I have ironed out the branding and online process for efficiency, ease, and effectiveness.

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Book your Sales Funnel Audit now